
Phone: 131008

The above number is a national taxi number – call this number Australia wide.

You will be automatically connected to a local taxi service provider.

Water Taxi:

Book a Water Taxi on Sydney Harbour

Water Taxi Services are based at Circular Quay and the fares are priced accordingly.

 Yellow Water Taxis: 02) 9264 7377
 Water Taxis Combined: 02) 9555 8888
 Dolphin Water Taxis: 0413 119 960

There are two options –  regular water taxis and limousine style water taxis.

We can book you a water limousine within your itinerary to add a little some-thing extra for you whilst on Sydney Harbour.

Water Limousine:
The Italian Wooden Boat Speedboat Company: 02) 9357 2700
Cowper Street Wharf. Potts Point.